Segurança e Defesa

Allied Strategy and Transatlantic relations, por Henning Wegener

With the international structure changing at the end of the Cold War, the Alliance’s cohesion and stability, whose relationship to strategy and the transatlantic dimension is inseparable, becomes important. The structural uneveness is highlighted: the central security problem of the Alliance lies in Europe: the weapons are American. This paper deals with this relationship between strategy and transatlantic relations, both from an institutional and a military point of view, and seeks to analyse the issue from a political perspective as well. Finally, it analyses the improvement of burden-sharing as a possibility for the future.

Descarregar artigo
WEGENER, Henning– “Allied Strategy and Transatlantic relations “ - VI Conferência Internacional De Lisboa: A Defesa Da Europa e o Consenso Atlântico, IEEI, 15-17 de dezembro de 1988 págs.
Dimensão do suporte
12 págs.