The Nerve
Primeira exposição individual no percurso artístico de David Leal. Reunindo um conjunto inédito de obras, esta exposição procura refletir sobre um dos temas centrais à prática do artista: as relações entre visão humana, crenças e desejo.

13 Dez a 18 Jan 2025
Esta exposição marca ainda o início da nova programação da Salto, desenhada e com curadoria de David Revés e Nicolai Sarbib.
The Nerve is the first solo exhibition in David Leal's artistic path. Bringing together a new set of pieces, this exhibition reflects on one of the central themes of the artist's practice: the connections between human vision, beliefs and desire. In the featured works, David Leal overlays religious semiotics with optical imagery, exploring their relationship with the human body and the eye's nerves. Through this, he examines the essence of seeing and believing, particularly in a contemporary context shaped by digital images, illusions, and simulated or manipulated realities.
This exhibition also marks the beginning of Salto's new programme, designed and curated by David Revés and Nicolai Sarbib.