"É de Cultura como instrumento para a felicidade, como arma para o civismo, como via para o entendimento dos povos que vos quero falar"



O Centro Económico e Cultural de Taipei, promove um Concurso Internacional de Escultura em Madeira. Conheça aqui o regulamento.

O Centro Económico e Cultural de Taipei, promove um Concurso Internacional de Escultura em Madeira. Conheça aqui o regulamento.


1. Purpose:
To enhance international cultural exchange as well as to promote the inheritance and innovation of the art of woodcarving.

2. Organizers:
1) Supervisor: Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan
2) Organizer: International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County Government
3) Office-in-Charge: Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli County Government

3. Entry Qualifications: For all domestic and foreign artists.
1) The submitted art piece must be original and of individual creation in the past two years.
The maximum for each artist is two pieces.
2) The following offenses will cause disqualification for a 3-year period from participation in the competition.
(i) Copy or assume the work of another person.
(ii) Entries have been entered in other competitions, or shown in any public/private exhibitions (including any part of the art work)

4. Entry and Regulations:
The contents of works are created with either traditional/contemporary single wood or complex materials. The size of each work is confined within 60cm – 150cm for every length, width and height. Please seal with sturdy boxes for transportation and stick a photo of the art work on the top of the box. The host organization is not responsible for any damage caused during transportation.

5. Application Procedure: 
The contest includes two stages.

(1)Preliminary selection :
a)Domestic area:
?Please submit the work and all the following documents to Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum
b)Foreign area:
?Send all the following documents with the title “2014 Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition ” via registered mail to Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum
(No.88 Guang Sheng Xin Cheng, Guang Sheng Village, Sanyi, Miaoli 36744, TAIWAN) 
?All documents, photos, and print-outs will not be returned.  Please keep one copy
before mailing.
c) Delivery Sheet:
Fill in the relevant information and details attached, including 4”x6” photos from four different angles-the front, back, right & left). Incomplete or inappropriate application forms will not be accepted.
d) Art piece will not be reviewed if it doesn’t meet the requirement.
e) Please download the Entry Form (including General Rules and Regulations along with the Delivery Sheet) from International Culture and Tourism Bureau, Miaoli County Government (http://wood.mlc.gov.tw). Alternatively, applicants might obtain it either in person or through correspondence (registered-mail envelope with return postage required) to the bureau.

(2) Final Selection
a) Foreign Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the preliminary selection by
Qualifying candidates must submit original works for final selection.
b) Candidates should set up special devices or equipment on their own if necessary.
c) Please submit the work before the deadline and a receipt will be issued by the office-in-charge serving as a token for recovery.


Collection Time & Place

Return Time

Review Date


Preliminary Selection

Domestic area: From June 5 to June 7, 2014

Foreign area:
From May 1 to June 7, 2014
(address see No.5,
item 1

Submissions will not be returned. Please keep your own copies of works.

June 8, 2014

The works will be processed according to its delivery date, not postmark date. Late Submissions will not be processed.

Final Selection

From June 9 to July11, 2014 (9 a.m.–5 p.m.)  at Sanyi Wood
Sculpture Museum

Domestic area: a week after the review date for non- short listed works; a week after end of the exhibition for short listed works.


Foreign area:
A month after end of the exhibition.

July 13, 2014

Please submit and return art works on the scheduled timeline.

For submitting and returning art works, a firm box as protection is strongly and not too heavy suggested.

The host organization is not responsible for any damages caused during  transportation.

Overdue cases will be processed by the Organizing Committee and there will be no dispute over such cases. 

Note: Delivery of Artwork
a) Domestic applicants – take care of transport on their own.
b) Foreign applicants –submit art works on their own, and returning art works will be assisted with the shipping by the organizer.

7. Prizes and Monetary Awards:
(1)First Place : Monetary Award of NT$500,000 (tax inclusive) and one certificate of merit.
Second Place : Monetary Award of NT$300,000 (tax inclusive) and one certificate of merit.
Third Place (two winners): Monetary Award of NT$200,000 (tax inclusive) and one certificate of merit.
Highly Commended (two winners) Monetary Award of NT$50,000 (tax inclusive)and one certificate of merit.
(2)According to taxation, 20% of the monetary award will be taxed if it is over NT$20,000.
(3)In addition to trophy and monetary award, each winner will also receive one permanent collection certificate. The original works of the top three winners shall be reserved by the museum for the permanent collection.
All other exhibited work will be returned after the exhibition.
(The organizer reserves the right to study, photograph, film, publish, advertise and website posting, etc., all the permanent collection items to which the artists shall have no objections.)
(4)Overseas top three winners and Highly Commended will be offered three days free accommodation by the organizer if they wish to attend the Award Ceremony in Taiwan.

8. Exhibition Date of Listed Art Works:
(1) Date: From July 20 to October 12, 2014
(2) Location: Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum (No.88 Guang Sheng Xin Cheng, Guang Sheng Village, Sanyi, Miaoli, Taiwan)
(3) The insurance budget of the organizer for all works during the exhibition covers a maximum of USD. $10,000. Insurance cover over this amount is the responsibility of the artist. 
(4) Top three and Highly Commended winners will receive five published collection books of all works and records of the exhibition; listed artists two copies each; all other applicants one copy each.

9. Award Ceremony:
(1) Date: Will be incorporated with the Sanyi Woodcarving Festival in September 2014.
    Exact date will be confirmed later.
(2) Location: Will be confirmed later.

10. Application and Refund Place
Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum (http://wood.mlc.gov.tw/english/)
No.88 Guang Sheng Xin Cheng, Guang Sheng Village, Sanyi, Miaoli 36744, TAIWAN
Tel: 886-37- 876009 extension 15 or 13  Miss Chang
Fax: 886-37- 870181

>> More info


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