"É de Cultura como instrumento para a felicidade, como arma para o civismo, como via para o entendimento dos povos que vos quero falar"



Ana Monteiro e Beatriz Quiaios, alunas do Colégio Valsassina, de Lisboa, participam neste Fórum graças ao 3º Prémio que alcançaram no Concurso Nacional Jovens Cientistas e Investigadores 2013 e que foi atribuído, em maio, na respetiva Mostra Nacional de Ciência, no Museu da Eletricidade em Lisboa.


Duas jovens cientistas portuguesas vão participar no “Swiss Talent Forum 2014”, um evento da Fundação “Swiss Youth in Science”. Ana Monteiro e Beatriz Quiaios, alunas do Colégio Valsassina, de Lisboa, participam neste Fórum graças ao 3º Prémio que alcançaram no Concurso Nacional Jovens Cientistas e Investigadores 2013 e que foi atribuído, em maio, na respetiva Mostra Nacional de Ciência, no Museu da Eletricidade em Lisboa.

Segue abaixo o comunicado da Fundação “Swiss Youth for Science”, relativo a este evento que, no final de janeiro de 2014, irá reunir jovens talentos de toda a Europa à volta do tema “Future of Work”.

Swiss Talent Forum – an event of the foundation “Swiss Youth in Science”
Thun - the meeting place of Europe’s future elite

Bern, 11th of December 2013. – At the end of January 2014 70 high talented young people from Switzerland and all over Europe meet for the 3rd Swiss Talent Forum to exchange ideas about the “Future of Work”. The Forum will be enriched by a roundtable discussion with creativity researcher Gottlieb Guntern, a keynote speech by trend expert Birgit Gebhardt, as well as several enriching and diverse presentations by highly qualified experts. For the participants this is the opportunity to exchange in a unique international platform. Under the heading “Brave New Work- the Future of Work” different visions will be developed and new ideas will be developed in many workshops where solutions to important questions and current challenges will be elaborated. The Swiss Talent Forum is an event of the foundation “Swiss Youth in Science”.

The topic of this year’s Swiss Talent Forum was chosen, because wonderings about the future of work are present in everyone’s life. We are all witnessing a radical and fast change in work trends, which is driven by developments that one could not imagine ten years ago. What shall we expect? In which direction is this change going? How will we survive to this change? How important is networking? What role do high-performing hot spots and virtual teams have? Where are research and development leading us to?

The 70 participants to the 3rd Swiss Talent Forum 2014 will discuss these questions during four intensive and varied days in 10 working groups. Keyfactors are going to be humanisation, technologisation, globalisation and economisation of the future of work. The diretor of “Swiss Youth in Science” awaits the forum with true excitement and says: “At the forum young people with a high potential for top performances meet. They have been carefully selected by a jury, because of their outstanding performances in school and research competitions. The participants are interested and committed young people, who are prepared to work hard to deliver outstanding results. They were carefully selected by a jury. Half the participants is coming from Switzerland and the other half from all over Europe.”

The four impulse presentations and discussions will give the participants food for thought for the different topic areas. Amongst the speakers are Karin Vey, Innovation and Trendexpert from IBM, the architect Stefan Camenzind, Designer of the Google Offices, Joachim Schoss, founder of Scout24, as well as the Diretor of Group Communications at Roche, Stephan Feldhaus.


The foundation Swiss Youth in Science- Swiss Talent Forum

The foundation Swiss Youth in Science supports curious and motivated young people since 1967 with the aim to awake their fascination and joy with scientific work.

The sustainable promotion of talented young people with scientific curiousity, creativity and solution-oriented competence is key to secure the position of Switzerland as an innovation hotspot. The foundation pursues this aim with three main events:

1. The study weeks: Sensibilisation of children and young people for knowledge and science

2. The national competition: motivation of young people to discover, think and research independently

3. Swiss Talent Forum: Young people from all over Europe and Switzerland develop visions for social issues.

For more information: www.sjf.ch


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Ganhe convites para o espetáculo POETA POP de Tristão de Andrade

No próximo dia 18 de janeiro, pelas 21h00, sobe ao palco do Auditório da Fundação Oriente, em Lisboa, um espetáculo apresentado por Tristão de Andrade, que celebra sua vida e obra como poeta, escritor, cantautor e músico.Findo o passatempo, anunciamos aqui os nomes dos vencedores apurados!
