"É de Cultura como instrumento para a felicidade, como arma para o civismo, como via para o entendimento dos povos que vos quero falar"



Esta escola de Verão internacional para especialistas nas áreas da Cultura decorre de 8 a 14 de julho, no Centro Cultural de Belém, no Museu do Design e da Moda, na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da UCP, na Gare Marítima de Alcântara e no Museu do Oriente.

A II Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture está associada ao Programa de Mestrado e Doutoramento em Estudos de Cultura da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica, e é promovida pelo Consórcio de Lisboa. Esta escola de Verão internacional para especialistas nas áreas da Cultura decorre de 8 a 14 de julho, no Centro Cultural de Belém, no Museu do Design e da Moda, na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da UCP, na Gare Marítima de Alcântara e no Museu do Oriente. A 2ª edição debruça-se sobre o tema Modernidades Periféricas, e conta com a presença de prestigiados académicos da área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, entre eles, Barbie Zelizer, da Annenberg School for Communication da Universidade da Pensilvânia, Roberto Vecchi, da Universidade de Bolonha, Xiaomei Chen, da Universidade da Califórnia, Elisabeth Bronfen, da Universidade de Zurique, Márcio Seligman Silva da Unicamp, Brasil, e António Sousa Ribeiro, da Universidade de Coimbra.

Esta iniciativa integrada no modelo de formação internacional de Mestrados e Doutoramento em Estudos de Cultura da FCH|UCP, conta com a participação de cerca de 75 participantes, doutorandos, mestrandos, investigadores, académicos, escritores, arquitectos, performers, curadores, programadores e artistas, de universidades e instituições culturais da Europa, Estados Unidos, Ásia e América do Sul.The long history of the modern seems to stress that modernity was a privilege of Western rationality, disseminated from a European centre across the imaginary waiting rooms of history. Yet, the markers of what was hailed as the sign of Western advancement – industrialization, secularization and rationalization – have been consistently questioned over the past decade as indicators of universal validity and modernity itself reconceived beyond Western provincialism. Homi Bhabha thus conceives of a ‘contra-modernity’ to qualify the post-colonial as a stage that both mimicks and subverts Western modernity, Susan Friedman speaks of ‘polycentric modernities’ that enlarge the geographical scope of the modernization endeavour, whilst Argentinian critic Beatriz Sarlo has defined the Argentinian Modernism as the aesthetical counterpart of the specific South-American decentering into ‘peripheral modernities’.

The long history of the modern seems to stress that modernity was a privilege of Western rationality, disseminated from a European centre across the imaginary waiting rooms of history. Yet, the markers of what was hailed as the sign of Western advancement – industrialization, secularization and rationalization – have been consistently questioned over the past decade as indicators of universal validity and modernity itself reconceived beyond Western provincialism. Homi Bhabha thus conceives of a ‘contra-modernity’ to qualify the post-colonial as a stage that both mimicks and subverts Western modernity, Susan Friedman speaks of ‘polycentric modernities’ that enlarge the geographical scope of the modernization endeavour, whilst Argentinian critic Beatriz Sarlo has defined the Argentinian Modernism as the aesthetical counterpart of the specific South-American decentering into ‘peripheral modernities’ 

The II Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture will take the manifold assumptions about modernity and its modernisms as the stepping stone to address the multiple ways in which the modern has been claimed. Although the distinction between modernity as a social-political construct and modernism as it aesthetic-cultural counterpart seems to be widely consensual, the neat separation between the two terms is not uncontentious, as the cultural does not exist beyond social framing and neither does the political occur beyond the aesthetic exploits of artists. This gap, stressed in the claim made by Adornian aesthetics’ that modernism reflects modernity’s critical self-awareness, seems to bring more problems than results for a complex mapping of the concept. In fact, the process of modernity is complex, because it brings together the social, the political, the cultural and the economical. It is simultaneously critical and hegemonic, imaginative and rational, dislocated and situated, global and local, traumatic and empowering.

IILSSSC Program (July 8th-14th 2012)

Keynote Speakers - Abstracts and Bios 

Modernisms and Modernization 

The Modern Meaning of Peripheral 


Registration fees (until June 27th 2012):
Participants (without paper submission) - €50 per session/day | €250 for the Summer School week (July 8th-14th 2012)

By bank transfer
NIB 003300000017013412105
IBAN PT50 0033 0000 0017 0134 1210 5
By check endorsed to:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
and sent to:
The Lisbon Consortium,
A/C Rosário Lopes
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Faculdade de Ciências Humanas
Palma de Cima
1649-023 Lisboa, Portugal.

Please send us a copy of the bank transfer document to the e-mail lxconsortium@fch.lisboa.ucp.pt.

Organizing Committee:
Isabel Capeloa Gil
Peter Hanenberg
Alexandra Lopes
Paulo de Campos Pinto
Ana Fabíola Maurício

Check this and further information:


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