Mais de três milhões de espectadores do popular canal norte-americano MTV votaram no novo filme de David Cronenberg, protagonizado por Robert Pattinson, como o mais esperado deste ano.

Milhões elegem "Cosmopolis" como o filme mais esperado de 2012
Mais de três milhões de espectadores do popular canal norte-americano MTV votaram no novo filme de David Cronenberg, protagonizado por Robert Pattinson, como o mais esperado deste ano.
"Cosmopolis", produzido pelo produtor português Paulo Branco, venceu o MTV Movie Brawl 2012, tendo derrotado adversários tão populares como o último filme da saga Twilight ( “Amanhecer – Parte 2”) ou o próximo filme da série Batman, “The Dark Knight Rises”.
O MTV Movie Brawl 2012 recolheu mais de 5 milhões de votos e projetou-se para além do canal de música, alcançando uma presença considerável nas redes sociais.
"Cosmopolis" reúne um elenco de luxo que, para além de Robert Pattinson, inclui Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, Kevin Durand e Mathieu Amalric, entre outros.
O aguardado novo filme de David Cronenberg junta ainda dois habituais e premiados colaboradores do cineasta canadiano, incluindo o compositor Howard Shore, triplamente Oscarizado pelo seu trabalho inesquecível na banda sonora da trilogia "O Senhor dos Anéis", e o Diretor de Fotografia Peter Suschitzky, que colaborou em filmes como “Star Wars – O Império Contra-Ataca”, "Crash”, "Promessas Perigosas” ou “Marte Ataca!”.
"Cosmopolis" acompanha um dia na vida de Eric Packer, o gestor multimilionário que avança por Manhattan numa luxuosa limusina. Uma odisseia que vai colocar em risco o seu estatuto e a sua fortuna.
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Robert Pattinson and Sarah Gadon in "Cosmopolis"
Photo: David Cronenberg
Robert Pattinson's 'Cosmopolis' Wins MTV
Movie BrawlMore than 3 million votes were cast to push the David Cronenberg-directed indie over brand-new franchise 'The Hunger Games.'
The final buzzer has sounded, the brawl for it all is over, and Robert Pattinson is the last man standing: "Cosmopolis" has won MTV Movie Brawl 2012.
His indie drama made for one hell of a Cinderella story in the vote-driven tournament to pick the must-see movie of the year. Entering the bracket as a #4 seed (following an impressive showing in the play-in round), "Cosmopolis" appeared to be facing an unavoidable Elite Eight ouster. What were the chances Pattinson's cerebral film about a young finance wiz taking a day-long limo ride though New York City would beat "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2"? Apparently pretty good. Fans banded together, choosing to support RPattz's postvampire career rather than the franchise that made him a star. "Breaking Dawn" was sent packing.
And so, after easily fighting off "The Dark Knight Rises," "Cosmopolis" came to face "The Hunger Games," a brand-new franchise that had waltzed through the tournament and seemed to be the odds-on favorite to win the whole tourney. But it was not to be. After more than 3 million votes and a slew of lead changes, Pattinson's film beat back Jennifer Lawrence's series to become the undisputed champion of the Movie Brawl.
Hours before voting closed Monday afternoon (January 23), with "Cosmopolis" staking out an insurmountable lead and the MTV Movies team at the Sundance Film Festival, we broke the news to Pattinson's co-star, Paul Giamatti, that their film had won the tournament.
"Holy cow, that's astounding!" he said. "The fact of that is amazing. ... That's a really cool thing that it brings that visibility to that movie."
It's been a whirlwind few weeks in the tournament, so we'd like to thank all the fans who voted. The Brawl broke bigger than we could have ever hoped. Well over 5 million votes were cast. The competition spread wildly over Twitter and Facebook. Our comments sections caught fire as fans debated, argued and rallied. In the end, though, only one film could stand as the undisputed champion of the MTV Movie Brawl. Pattinson, Giamatti, director David Cronenberg and everyone connected to "Cosmopolis" — we salute you!
By Eric Ditzian (@ericditzian) , with reporting by Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz)