"É de Cultura como instrumento para a felicidade, como arma para o civismo, como via para o entendimento dos povos que vos quero falar"



A European Cultural Foundation, o Riksbankens Jubileumsfond e a European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres lançaram oficialmente a abertura das candidaturas ao Prémio de Investigação em Política Cultural 2010.

Candidaturas Abertas

A European Cultural Foundation, o Riksbankens Jubileumsfond e a European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres lançaram oficialmente a abertura das candidaturas ao Prémio de Investigação em Política Cultural 2010.

Concebido para incentivar uma política de investigação cultural académica e aplicada,bem como  o aprofundamento de temas em voga na Europa Contemporanea,o Prémio de Investigação em Política Cultural 2010, visa contribuir para a instituição de novas competências entre jovens universitários em política de investigação cultural comparativa.

As candidaturas deverão ser enviadas até 24 de Maio de 2010 através do preenchimento online da ficha de candidatura disponível no site do Prémio.
Informações detalhadas em http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=19

O vencedor do Prémio de Investigação em Política Cultural 2010, no montante de 10,000 euros, será publicamente anunciado no dia 6 de Outubro durante a 18ª ENCATC Annual Conference que decorrerá em Bruxelas (6-8 Outubro 2010).

2010 Cultural Policy Research Award

The European Cultural Foundation, the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres have officially launched the call for applications for the 2010 Cultural Policy Research Award.

Designed to foster academic and applied cultural policy research and to explore issues at stake in contemporary Europe, the Cultural Policy Research Award aims to contribute to new competence building among young scholars in comparative cultural policy research.

Applications must be submitted by 24 May 2010 through the online application form on the CPR Award website Detailed information on the application procedure and guidelines is available at http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=19

The winner of the CPR Award 2010, worth 10,000 euros, will be publicly announced on 6 October during the 18th ENCATC Annual Conference taking place in Brussels (6-8 October 2010).

The Cultural Policy Research Award was launched in 2004 by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF), and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and since 2008, is developed in partnership with and managed by the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC).

Through the CPRA annual competition, the program partners aim to encourage and enable cultural policy researchers to take a step from evaluative
(descriptive) to comparative applied research that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the field. The Award is devoted to research projects which shed light on contemporary European cultural issues and challenges by analyzing them and offering policy solutions.

Since 2004, onwards of six promising young researchers have won the Award which represents an important achievement for them in this discipline, and a key step in the production of new knowledge. Since its introduction, by having more than 75 young researchers involved in the annual competition, the CPRA has widened the map of young cultural policy researchers in Europe,and raised their visibility and recognition.

Contact information for the researchers:
Elizabeth Darley (projects@encatc.org)
CPR Award website:http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=19

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