Eagles of Death Metal cancelam oficialmente as restantes datas da digressão europeia
Devolução de bilhetes disponível no respetivo local de compra, até ao próximo dia 9 de janeiro.

Devido aos acontecimentos do passado dia 13 de novembro, em Paris, os EODM cancelam oficialmente as restantes datas da digressão europeia que passava por Lisboa no próximo dia 10 de dezembro, no Armazém F.
A Everything Is New manifesta as suas profundas condolências e sentimentos de pesar pelas vítimas e familiares deste atentado hediondo contra toda a humanidade.
O reembolso dos bilhetes poderá ser efetuado a partir de amanhã, no respetivo local de compra, até 30 dias após a data prevista para o concerto (prazo termina dia 09 de janeiro de 2016).
A banda deixa abaixo uma nota oficial para todos os fãs:
"While the band is now home safe, we are horrified and still trying to come to terms with what happened in France. Our thoughts and hearts are first and foremost with our brother Nick Alexander, our record company comrades Thomas Ayad, Marie Mosser, and Manu Perez, and all the friends and fans whose lives were taken in Paris, as well as their friends, families, and loved ones.
Although bonded in grief with the victims, the fans, the families, the citizens of Paris, and all those affected by terrorism, we are proud to stand together, with our new family, now united by a common goal of love and compassion.
We would like to thank the French police, the FBI, the U.S. and French State Departments, and especially all those at ground zero with us who helped each other as best they could during this unimaginable ordeal, proving once again that love overshadows evil.
All EODM shows are on hold until further notice.
Vive la musique, vive la liberté, vive la France, and vive EODM".