Portugal visto por escritores estrangeiros
Whaling in Pico
by Kathleen Willard

Now clouds dance
above the dormant volcano embracing
a mountain so tall it creates weather
and harpoons in the whaling museum
no longer pierce the leviathan’s skin.
In former times, on the watchtower
high on a seaside cliff
the spotter glasses the ocean’s surface
for whales keen on krill and cool deep water
and signal whalers to drop
their scrimshaw light out
in open boats armed only with lances
and hand held harpoons.
It’s hard to imagine the transformation
of such large creatures into oil and flour,
the island factory rendering them
to their almost original molecules,
their lowest common denominator
or the insanity of a small skiff
with seven men rowing after sea giants
sails and oars straining
to capture their prize
as I am doing today
on a small pontoon boat naturalist on board
for whales migrate to the cool waters of Pico
predictable and luminous and curious
even of seven men with simple weapons—
their harpoons and rope tethering
the monster now captive, now driven frantic
to exhaustion disrupting
breathing patterns their boat dragged
across the Atlantic until they move in lances
poised ready for the kill.
On shore, a whale’s death warrants
a flag at half mast
and the floating cadaver rowed near land
to part out the beast,
the choicest bits
destined for cauldrons and basalt ovens.
We all scan the water for the blow and breath
of whales eager to encounter a behemoth
and our hearts break
as a small part of a mother surfaces,
rolls on her back arms length
from our tiny boat to nurse her young
most of her body submerged
her ivory milk bleeding
into the cool blue water.
by Kathleen Willard
(Written in the Azores on a visit to Tony Roma’s family home. We meet at the first Disquiet)
Kathleen Willard, MA Middlebury College, MFA Colorado State University, remembers her attendance at The Disquiet International Literary Program as a defining moment in her writing life. Forty of her poems have appeared in literary magazines and anthologies including: Bombay Gin, Matter, Proud to Be, and Landscape and Place. Her awards include a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship to travel and write in India, attendance at Vermont Studio Center twice, the Breadloaf Writer’s Conference twice, and her poem “Theory of Flight, Circa 1704” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, published in The Progenitor and won the ACC Writer's Studio Prize.